PT Sorini Towa Berlian Corporindo
Whistleblowing System
WBS is an application that is provided by PT. Sorini Towa Berlian Corporindo that facilitate reporting of allegation regarding fraudulent practice as well as illegal and unethical conduct in PT. Sorini Towa Berlian Corporindo. This application is part of Good Corporate Governance practice and based on code of conduct that is applied in PT. Sorini Towa Berlian Corporindo, as follows: comply with laws and regulations; say no to illegal payments and bribes; and run business activities with integrity.
The information you submit will be handled directly by the Board of Directors. We will CONCEAL YOUR IDENTITIES. We will greatly appreciate any information you submit. Our focus on material that you submit.
Elements of the Reporting
Reporting that you submit must be based on good intentions and is not a private complaint or based on bad intentions or slander.
Your reporting will be more easily followed up if it fulfill 4W + 1H:
What : Illegal or unethical conduct that is known
Where : Where it is conducted
When : When it is conducted
Who : Who is involved in the act
How : How the conduct is conducted (modus, technique, etc)
Confidentually of Whistleblower
We will conceal your identities as whistleblower because we focus on information that is you report.

In order that confidentially is maintained, note the following:
  • If you want to keep your identities secret, please don't inform/fill your personal data, likes your name or your relation with the perpetrators.
  • Please don't inform/fill data/information which allows others examine who you are.
  • Please avoid to know your username, password, and your ticket ID.
Copyright @ PT Sorini Towa Berlian Corporindo